About Pee-Wee Karate
About Pee-Wee Karate
Pee-Wee Karate is for our younger students aged 3 to 6 years old.
The syllabus was designed by sensei Barry Anderson in South Africa to engage young children to learn the basics of karate. In age appropriately structured karate classes children learn teamwork, hand-ball-eye coordination, balance, etiquette, discipline and respect through for example games in a fun but structured and relaxed environment.

Head of Pee-Wee Karate UK, Kyoshi Debi Steven, who first learned martial arts under Sensei Barry, took Pee-Wee karate to Cape Town, South Africa, and later in March 2004 to London.
Pee-Wee Karate UK is offered at nurseries, schools and public venues across SW London, London and in London boroughs.
When children turn 6 years of age, they will move up to Funakoshi Shotokan Karate (FSK UK), which is an extension of our karate family.

The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory nor defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants." - Gichin Funakoshi